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Joe Hausch



Inflatable dinosaurs, Hot Wheels cars, a gum ball machine and an autographed photo of former client Brett Favre. One look at all the stuff on the shelves of Joe's office and you can feel the energy. Yet everything in there holds a special memory for him. Every toy, every game clients have brought him, every little thing that makes the cleaning people curse every time they visit, is a reminder of an experience that helped shape Joe's unique view of the world.


His time as a student and instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design(MIAD) and UWMilwaukee as well as his positions at DesignGroup and Holoubek Studios gave Joe his initial experience, but it wasn't until he helped form H2D in 1986 that his talents were freed. After 15 years, he left H2D to create the Hausch Design Agency in January of 2002.


Joe 's simple passion for creating great design that works has helped make a portfolio that is diverse and imaginative. He shares his enthusiasm with scores of others in the community as he is currently the VP of Whitnall Youth Football & Cheer. He is a former member of the Board of Directors of IndependenceFirst, and has served as well in past board positions with the Milwaukee Advertising Club and as President of Artreach Milwaukee and the MIAD/Layton School of the Arts Alumni Association. Being involved and fueling change emphasizes how balance and giving back is so important in “Joe's World”. He makes time for family; wife Sharon, his son Brandt and daughter McKenzie are the main reasons HDA was created. When he’s not doing things with them or clients he’s usually playing drums (Couch Flambeau, BC3, Josh Rauen and The Big Escape and currently the Killer Joe Band), volunteering at a fundraising event or creating art in the basement. Creating is life to Joe. As an inventor, artist, designer, entrepreneur he challenges the way the world works everyday. In 2006 he invented a consumer product called the Cholive. A gourmet piece of dark chocolate shaped like an olive designed for chocolate or creme based cocktails and to be served as well as a mini-dessert. The Cholive Company LLC received a trademark and a patent on the product in 2009.


Yet even with all his accomplishments in the business world, it's still life in the real world that provides the perspective Joe uses to create exciting, innovative marketing materials and solutions for HDA’s clients.


"Joe is extremely creative and talented. He is smart and quick to listen when working with clients...
He is also a good guy."

- Hensley Foster



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